Friday, July 19, 2013

All or Nothing

We did our spiritual math this week in looking at Galatians 5.  The most impactful discovery for me was the quote from Timothy Keller, " You can't add to Christ without subtracting Christ."  He is either all value or no value. Wow.  It is forcing me to look at the ways I might be adding to Christ in my own life. Am I holding onto grace while living by works? 
I love that Paul encourages the Galatians in verse 5 to await the righteousness for which we have hope instead of striving for it.  Then he defines hope as "A powerful assurance and certainty of something." Hope is not doubtful! Now that is encouraging to me.

So many of the things we talked about this week reminded us of what we have been looking at all year, such as, speaking Truth to ourselves, that we are seen as radiant, glorious, beautiful and perfect by God, and that we are  free to love others when we believe how perfectly we are loved.

Your assignment this week is to read and mark Galatians 6 and read Chapters 7 and 8 in the book.

Remember to pray for our sisters who are on mission trips. Samantha is in Haiti and Emily and Ashlyn (I think) are headed to Peru today. Also remember Hannah Riley at leadership camp. I hope I didn't leave anyone out. Praying for all of you!

We will be at my house next week. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to Be a Sister to Your Real Brothers...

As I shared with you last week, I was not a loving sister growing up.  To be completely honest, I still struggle with being a loving sister to my only brother.  He has been the initiator in our sibling relationship.  He has been the one who has continued to seek open communication and be quick to forgive and forget.  He has (for the most part) been the mature one in our relationship...showing godly wisdom and understanding.

This last chapter in It's Not That Complicated has really set my heart on fire.  I have examined and re-examined my motives and intentions concerning my relationship and/or lack of relationship with my brother while growing up and now as an adult.

There were some great passages in the book that I have kept coming back to...

"Many sisters underestimate or fail to realize the tremendous influence they have over their brothers.  Younger brothers especially watch and learn from their sister's attitudes and example..... We really appreciate when you talk to us, ask questions, and are willing to patiently listen to us.  This shows that you care about us and what we think....Your respect and encouragement inspire us with confidence to humble servant-leaders we need to be."  By: Philip, the chef (pg.60)

"When they confide in me, it inspires me to greater care, protection, and tenderness towards them.  Because they behave like women, they remind me that I need to be a man."  By: Paul, the missionary (pg. 63)

"How a woman builds or breaks the relationships in her life id the surest sign of her salvation, her character, and her calling.  That is why, I believe, the Proverbs spend so much time discussing the end effects of sin or righteousness in a woman's life on the house in which she resides.  It is mission critical for a woman to be a relationship builder." By: Robert, the entrepreneur (pg.57)

And finally...."All boys start out immature, annoying, and desperately wicked.  But boys can turn into men overnight, and that little brother that you're helping to build a model rocket today might want to take you to space with him tomorrow!"  (pg.69)

I am still wrestling with what I am going to do with this new conviction I find myself immersed in concerning this most precious relationship with my adult brother.  I am holding onto the passage in Joel 2:25... He can "restore to you the years that the locust have eaten."

Remember girls, "almost every man, boyfriend, and husband in the world started out as some girl's annoying kid brother, and every one of those girls left her mark on what kind of man he became."  

What kind of mark will you leave on your brother(s)? 

Sunday, June 30, 2013


During our study last Wednesday as we were talking about Gloria Steinem's quote and her overall influence on the women's movement I realized that I was born on the cups of that movement and that you have known nothing else. I experienced the changes first hand, and you know only the effects of the changes. The push of women to move away from God's design has huge ramifications for our society and families and relationships between men and women. I see it as a tool the enemy has used and still uses to further the breakdown of society. It is a result of the fall in the garden of Eden. We then have a choice to live as redeemed women of God or as fallen women of God. This is why it is so wonderful to examine God's Word about how he made us and what our role is. Christ, our Redeemer sets us free from the imprisonment of our sin. We do not have to live in captivity to it. We can live redeemed lives even though the world around us may not be.

I love watching who you are becoming in Christ!

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Not My Plan

I am not the kind of person that always has a plan. I don't have to order every day step by step and stick to it. In fact, if I have too many days like that in a row I start to feel confined and controlled by the schedule. That is why I love summer so much. There is no schedule, or not much of one any way, and I can let each day unfold naturally. Oh I still have to get things done, but I'm not watching the clock so much. Everything is more relaxed and easy.
While I am not overscheduled this summer, and I am letting some days unfold naturally, there have been some things the Lord has brought into my life that I never saw coming. I NEVER would have chosen them. They come as gifts, these "things" and I unwrap them and look up at Him and say, "Is this for me?" I wonder. I have been walking with the Lord a long time. Long enough to know that He knows better than me. He is the author and finisher of my faith. He knows what I need to learn in order to grow and look more like Him. He knows. I know He knows. So I accept these gifts He gives even though they come with pain, discouragement, sadness and some fear. I lose myself in the wrestling with them, but I know that I am not lost to Him. My name is written on His hand so even when I cannot find myself He knows where I am. He knows me.

It is good to be known, and to know that when I am lost in my life I am still found in Him.

I cannot wait to see you today, and share in the Truth of God's word together.

I love ya'll!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Galatians for You!


 I was so happy seeing your sunkissed faces on Wednesday, and am delighted that we are diving into the Word together this summer. Hearing your voiced read aloud Galatians was a beautiful sound and it has echoed in my mind all week. I love hearing you read God's Word, I love your questions, and I love the discovery process with you. I learn so much from you. This is why studying the Word together is so great because we get to see how God teaches each of us where we are, and we learn more.

Let's recap what we learned through our overview:
  • Paul wrote to the church in Galatia.
  • Paul teaches that the gospel is not only the way to enter the kingdom, it is the way to live as part of the kingdom. It is the way Christ transforms us.
  • Christians need the gospel just as much as non-Christians.
  • Three things that help us understand Galatians:
  1. Galatians addressed the social and racial division in the churches there.
  2. They were preaching a different gospel (Christ +)
  3. The intended audience is believers in Christ.
God's Word is living and active. Paul's letter to the Galatians is just as relevant to us today as it was back then when he wrote it. I hope you find lots of quiet moments to explore this book and discover what God has to teach you in it. He longs to spend time with you!

Can't wait to see you all on Wednesday at 1pm at my house.
If you got your book from Jess this week go ahead and read chapter one.

Love you!


Saturday, August 25, 2012


Today I ran 9 miles, and it hurt. A lot. I am in training for the Women's Half Marathon taking place in Nashville in September. My runs get longer every week. I do really well the first 5 miles and then the pain kicks in.
Running is a spiritual experience for me. I usually listen to music unless I have a running partner to chat with. Music helps me set a good pace and stick with it. I have learned a lot of really great songs this way, and had amazing times of worship with the Lord. Sometimes, however, the music is just background for my thoughts. Today, that was the case.
After praying for all the most pressing of requests floating around in my mind, I hit mile 5.  The dreaded mile 5.  I was hurting. I approached my house where my water bottle was waiting for me. Under it was a sweet note from my husband/trainer. Today I ran for him. He has always been a runner. The entire 30 years I have known him he has run. He loves it. He runs for exercise, for worship, for joy. He learned to love God's creation through running. Before I left he told me he wished he could run with me. I felt his pain. We have switched places. He can no longer run due to arthritis in his hip, and I have taken up running with his help. I cannot call myself a runner like him, because I do not love it like he does. Not yet anyway.
The sweet note he left me reminded me of his pain. Pain from arthritis and pain in the heart that he can no longer run. I was feeling pain, too, and struggling with it. This is the point in running where I want to give up. I don't like pain. I have a hard time working through it. I need his (Brad's) voice telling me I can do it. He is a great encourager.
I didn't have my sweet husband by my side, but I did have the Lord. I was so grateful He reminded me of His Words that I read today from the REAP journal while I was in the midst of my struggle. David's Psalms are so full of cries to the Lord while he was struggling. Here are some of the precious Words of the Lord that comforted me, carried me even.

But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in time of trouble.
Psalm 37:39

Do not forsake me, O my God, do not be far from me! Make haste to help me, O Lord my salvation. Psalm 38:21-22

He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. Psalm 40:2a

I completed all 9 miles!! It was about so much more than a physical challenge. It was mental and spiritual. When I let God into all my daily activities,whether they are difficult or not, He does incredible things.
I'm so grateful for a loving God who cares about my every step.

So happy to be "REAPing" with you! Looking forward to hearing how you have benefited from being in God's Word daily.

See you Wednesday!